Thursday, April 17, 2014

Igor Cornelsen Helps You Understand Asset Productivity Of Any Long Term Investment

Making money in the stock market means ignoring the current trends. Those aren't going to be good long term investments, and trends are much too volatile to guarantee any sort of long term financial security. Instead, you have to manage investments by how productive the asset is going to be in the future.

Take for example the farms that IgorCornelsen has invested in over the years. Those are some of the biggest producers of corn throughout the United States. Corn is used in almost everything, and the price has always gone up consistently. That meant just through nature of future demand, and natural inflation of costs, that investment was guaranteed to be productive.

That's how you make a good long term investment. You don't try to figure out what other people are investing in, or what the market is doing, or how the trends are going. But rather, you've got to focus on the investments most likely to be productive.

Another major one is going to be real estate. Those investments are some of the most important, because land is one thing that we'll never have more of, and the price is always on the rise. Investing in rental companies, and rental property is perfect, because those prices only ever go up, making them really productive long term investment potential.

Looking at any given product or service, it's important to ask that question. How productive could this investment possibly be in the long term? If you don't like the answer to that question, you probably want to go with something else.

Plus, you also want to stay with guaranteed productivity. Things like new technology might catch fire, but there's no guarantee. Something huge could come out tomorrow that makes your investment completely obsolete. But things like food, and land are always going to be necessities.